Born out of the vision of one philanthropist, a vision that is now shared by his family, friends and the society at large, ZEEK Foundation is a non-traditional organization (NGO) because of its agility and non-bureaucratic methods. ZEEK Foundation (ZF) is a non-profit, non-political, non-religious and non-governmental Organization working for the uplift and development of downtrodden in Pakistan. It Is registered as an NGO under Social Welfare Agency Ordinance 1961, with Government of Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa (KPK), the Directorate of Social Welfare. ZEEK Foundation operates without discrimination on basis of race, religion, color, creed, sex, origin, country, nationality or ethnicity. ZF teams comprise male as well female members and volunteers as well, working for the welfare of the masses. ZF has a strong belief in coordination, collaboration and working in partnerships. ZF is member of Tribal Development Forum, Tribal Development Network, member of National Humanitarian Network (NHN), Protection cluster, Shelter Cluster, CCCM cluster, Rule of law and governance sub cluster, Food and Security Cluster, and the relevant early recovery working groups. In addition to these networks ZF is working on establishing networks of indigenous community based organizations CBOs, and their capacity building through regular meetings and mentoring, These CBOs are seen as main drivers of change and development in the future. ZF has access to very powerful production houses and as such is involved in making documentaries on our culture, heritage, heroes and other topics effecting our society/ community at large. ZF targets the youth to motivate them to adopt a positive and constructive approach and mobilize their creative energies while remaining in Pakistan to serve their country, to work for promotion of Health, Education, Human Rights including Gender Equity, Social Justice, Environment Protection, Poverty Alleviation, Drug Abuse, Peace, Stability and Human and Institutional development. Women have a very special role to play in all of this being the cradle of life and initial learning. Their grooming and socio-economic uplift will have a very direct effect on the quality and standard of understanding that youth displays. ZEEK Foundation understands this!
Year 2005, areas in north of Pakistan were jolted with tremors. Hundreds of thousands of people were affected by the earth quake in Azad Kashmir and adjacent areas. Zahid Noor Afridi (aka ZEEK), an artist felt the pain of sufferers while he was travelling in affected areas to help. Initially this was his personal charity but his heartfelt plea mobilized his friends and family to contribute. His popularity moved a number of other nobles to join hands and ZEEK led trucks of Food, NFIs (non-Food Items), travelled himself to far flung areas to distribute. His efforts were acknowledged by other charities too. The work did get organized under the name of ZEEK Foundation in April 2006, and thence onwards proper methodologies were followed. ZEEK kept the noble work under his personal charity network for almost 5 years. However, in 2010 he decided to organize his vision as a registered body and thus ZEEK Foundation was born. It Is now registered as an NGO under Social Welfare Agency Ordinance 1961, with Government of Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa (KPK), the Directorate of Social Welfare since October, 2010. ZF has a rich experience in the development sector as well as humanitarian relief. ZF has a team of development professionals with vast experience. ZF has established systems for program implementation, financial management, human resource pool and last but not the least active interaction with the grass root level organization of CBOs/CSOs in its program areas specifically in FATA. Zeek Foundation has also worked in Emergency Response sectors like Earthquake, Floods and IDP’s.
A Prosperous Society based on the sound principles of Social Justice, Equity and Equality.
To contribute towards poverty reduction by supporting local communities in harnessing their potential and capabilities by organizing themselves into village level self-managed, self-reliant & sustainable institutions, capable of undertaking development agenda into their own hands through active participation in the decision making process at local level.
- To build the capacity of a community in Disaster management according to the international minimum standards.
- To Promote and support primary healthcare.
- To Improve the status of women and children through promotion of rights of women, children and ensuring human rights for all members of the community.
- To transform social attitude and behavior through non-violent grassroots education for a responsive and supportive social environment to address women’s concerns and development
- To provide formal and non-formal education to street and working children and youth
- To empower women politically and enhance their autonomy and level of decision-making
- To improve economic status of the disadvantaged women and children by involving them in income and employment generating activities which will help reduce their social, economic and cultural vulnerability
- To help bring a social change in society.
- To organize awareness raising programs in the community for Gender empowerment, health and education.
- To unite and activate women to take part in Pakistan’s reforms, opening-up and democratic transformation programs and to promote social harmony.
- To promote the implementation of the basic state policy of equality between women and men.
- To project a true and realistic softer image of KPK and FATA involving electronic media producing documentaries on our culture, heritage, heroes and project a positive image of the tribal community.